Thursday, April 22, 2004

The War Games - Episode 9

We're almost there. The petty infighting between the War Chief and the Security Chief is a bit like bickering schoolchildren. The Security Chief gets killed by the War Chief, yay! That Security Chief was an irritating fellow, mainly due to the way the actor, um, acted. Just didn't work for me. The War Chief, however, I thought he was a good villain. His look kinda reminded me of the old-style Klingons from the original series of Star Trek. Too bad he gets killed, too. Good death, though. The Doctor says "Time Lords" for the first time in the series' history in this episode. He makes a little box that he sends to them to get their help returning everyone to their own times. The ending is a bit odd, the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie making their way in slow-motion to the TARDIS, only to collapse in front of it. Next episode is the big conclusion, the end to the epic 10-parter, and the end to Patrick Troughton's reign as the Second Doctor.


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